The Your Fit take on Group Training.
Ever walked into a space and felt isolated and alone despite being surrounded by people. What about when we're so self-conscious that we convince ourselves everyone is watching our every move? The reality for the average jo entering the fitness industry is precisely that. You've heard it all "everyone's got to start somewhere", "it's ok, I remember my first session"; then it comes the ultimate, the condescending pat on the back... or half-hearted high five. Meanwhile, I can't raise my arm high enough to 5 back because I've done more pushups in the last 10 minutes than I have in 10 years?!??!!? The group fitness space isn't for the faint of heart; I have seen this space boom and then burst in my time in the industry. It's fun to have a Bootcamp in the park for a fundraiser and enjoy the buzz of a big crowd, but when that same group is trying to perform a deadlift, how does that coach provide quality attention to 50? The truth is they don't and that space while being novel and fun, isn't the best starting point for an individual looking to get their health back on track.
So here is where we have ended up now, 8. A group of 8 people you can get to know, create familiarity, and provide quality coaching. Group training can and should be fun, but you should never feel like a number, the studio space we have created caters for up to 8 in an intimate setting. So you can have the attention of the coach, the energy of your friends exercising alongside you and the comfort of space and high-quality gear for single person use at a time.
So welcome to the group!
Sean Cornish