Future Predictions
We haven’t even begun to understand the power of fibre and its role in our health. labelled as roughage and used more as a satiety tool in most diets at the moment, it is a lot more powerful than we think. The microbiome exists in our gut and feed off the constituents of food. We see greater health outcomes with a more diverse microbiome. We are not at a point of cause and effect on what and how but the gut is ever changing and evolving. Initial research suggests everything is on the table, mental health, mood, bowel cancer risk, IBS indicators and a whole heap more. My tip is that including fibre in the diet in its various forms (resistant starch, insoluble and soluble) will be the secret, watch this space.
Current Thoughts
Vanity based messaging within the fitness industry is drowning out the health based one, but we are starting to win the war. The anti-diet movement is gaining traction, with a lot of the influencers in that space promoting gluttonous consumption of excessive fat and sugar in an attempt to win likes showing their 'real' self. Although, I didn’t study the human body for as long as I did to promote gluttony, I do understand the anti-establishment sentiment behind the attention grabbing posts. Having a conversation with a lady I’ve been working with earlier in the week, she explained that even 30 kgs lighter than her current weight before the breakdown of her marriage and years of shift work, she still felt fat. The truth is this is a social pressure on all of us men and women. Drink drive, declare bankruptcy, heck there is even a ex-AFL player on Friday night footy commentating that glassed a woman in the face; all these things we forgive. Being overweight and we can’t even forgive ourselves! I feel as though the conversation is one that deserves more than posts of excessive consumption or golden gaytime cronuts. It’s a conversation that I will have a lot throughout my career. The irony is that through self acceptance and playing to one’s own strengths the weight debate becomes noise in the background to a life that you are too busy living to worry about. Watch this space.
Within my immediate 3km vicinity there are 18 gyms and 12 coffee shops. This is unprecedented. This, in a world where we are more remotely connected than ever however social isolation and psychological disorders continue to rise. I believe people are craving human contact. Genuine community! While coffee and a high intensity interval session are current social trends I believe there is a lot more to it than a buzz word or some nice tasting stimulant. I think this is where we are now getting our genuine human connection. Workplaces are already changing, more of us are opting to work from home. When our productivity sky rockets because of it, more of that time is justified by bosses that look at outcome not process. I see there being a one day office one day at home type work force in years to come with cafes and gyms becoming the hives of activity and replacing the stale old water cooler conversation. Watch this space.
So I'll see you at the coffee shop for some high fibre coffee and conversation about high intensity interval training :).